Our World Class Trainers:



All of our trainers have extensive education and are NASM certified, which means they’ve been trained in anatomy, physiology, and nutrition. So whether you are a mom or dad who just wants to keep up with their growing kids or a person with a special need or an athlete looking for a competitive edge we have all the tools to help you reach all of your goals.


Robby Halterman

Sports Conditioning
Total body conditioning

Philosophy Statement:

I believe everyone is an athlete. It takes hard work, dedication, and perseverance to achieve greatness. Everyone has their own level of greatness, whether that is playing with your children or grandchildren, or finishing that one event that seems impossible. Through consistent and effective exercise I can help you find your greatness (and that inner athlete), reach your goals and live the happy healthy life you desire. Making fitness fun, innovative, and challenging is essential for a successful training program. I believe there is more to good health than just exercise. Balancing life and nutrition along with fitness will lead to your success.